What if I am on an old Mac OS X version?
What if I am on an old Mac OS X version?
Running an older version of the Mac OS X operating system can cause issues when trying to use TruGrid or when installing the TruGrid Mac Desktop application.
It is unsafe to use older / out-of-support operating systems because they won't have the latest security updates from the OS vendor. We recommend using the latest Mac OS X operating system version or at least 11.5.
If you are using an older Mac OS X version, please perform an upgrade on your Mac:
Here is a step by step guide on how you can see what version of the Mac OS X operating system is currently installed on your machine.
Here is a step by step guide on how to upgrade your Mac OS X to the latest version.
It's also important to make sure the Mac has Microsoft Remote Desktop version 10.3.8 or newer installed from the App Store.
NOTE: There are two types of TruGrid Connectors for Mac (Desktop Connector and Web Connector)
For the best experience, we recommend using the Mac Desktop Connector

Updated on: 08/03/2023
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