What Trusted Sites need to be placed in Internet Options?
What Trusted Sites need to be placed in Internet Options?
The TruGrid Windows Desktop Connector launches the connector it installs into an isolated area within a secure per-user, per-application cache and runs within the Internet security zones.
Therefore the Internet security zone settings on the browser (of the Windows machine the user is connecting from) are important and may need to be updated. In most cases the settings are fine and do not need to be adjusted.
If you see a message like below which prevents launching the TruGrid connector application, you may need to adjust this.

Trusted Sites
To remediate this, set the following as Trusted Sites in Windows internet Options security settings:
- *.trugrid.com
- *.blob.core.windows.net
- *.secureworkspace.io
- *.trugrid.net
- {your branded URL if you are using one}
Below are the steps involved to add these:
In the Windows SEARCH area, type INTERNET OPTIONS and select the INTERNET OPTIONS app
Click the SECURITY tab.
Click on TRUSTED SITES and then click on the SITES button
Enter each Website URL listed above and click Add
Make sure to set the Security level to the lowest possible level for these trusted sites
When you are finished, click on CLOSE and APPLY
Here is a visual step by step guide:

Please also ensure the Windows Operating system is completely up to date with all OS updates, particularly .NET Framework updates. Old .NET Frameworks can cause issues. The latest version is 4.8.
In rare situations if above steps do not resolve the problem, you may also need to set the "Internet", "My Computer", and "TrustedSites" values to "Enabled" at this registry key:
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel\". Create the keys if they don't exist.
Reference Documentation:
TruGrid Chrome browser extension
TruGrid Chrome browser extension helper install file. User will automatically get redirected to this page once you install the extension above, however, sometimes people don't realize there is a step 2.
TruGrid Windows Desktop Connector
About Microsoft ClickOnce Technology
.NET Framework 4.8 Runtime Download Site
Trust Prompt Level Registry Entry
Search Keywords: security zone, trusted sites
Updated on: 08/03/2023
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