How to troubleshoot servers not reporting into TruGrid Secure RDP
How to troubleshoot servers not reporting into TruGrid Secure RDP
If you have servers you have placed into the TG-Computers AD group but they are not reporting into TruGrid, please see below steps to further troubleshoot this.
Common reasons for some servers not reporting in
Make sure the servers belong to the Active Directory domain you are trying to report the machine into
Ensure the servers were added in the TG-Computers group within Active Directory.
Check the local log file (c:\program files\trugrid\sentry\agent.log) of the TruGrid sentry Agent and see if it is finding the computers from the TG-Computers group. If not, either they were not added to the TG-Computers group or there may be a permissions issue within the custom OU setup of your Active Directory wherein the TruGrid Sentry cannot read those objects.
The AD server the Sentry agent is installed onto should have itself listed or an internal DNS server listed as the primary DNS server, so that the server hostnames you are trying to report in can be resolved via DNS from that server
The DNS name of the servers you are trying to report in should resolve to IPv4 IP addresses. You should be able to do an nslookup on of the computer hostname from the AD server the TruGrid Sentry agent is installed onto and it should resolve to the current correct IP address.
The DNS name should be listed in the Computer properties. See below example of a computer without a DNS name listed.

Provide troubleshooting information to TruGrid
If you have checked these things and it is still not reporting in, we have a PowerShell script you can run to retrieve data we need to investigate your current DNS and AD configuration to help troubleshoot this further. Please use the below steps to execute this script. This script will only read information and save it to a file, it will not change anything.
Download PowerShell script file TGDomainDetailsReportBuilder.ps1 from here, onto your domain controller.
Open Windows PowerShell ISE as Administrator

Open the TGDomainDetailsReportBuilder.ps1 file you downloaded. See step 3 in snapshot below.
Execute the script on your domain controller. See step 4 in snapshot below.
if you have not executed a PowerShell script previously on this computer, you may see the prompt below. Enter A or Y and press enter.

Copy the five files saved to c:\. See step 5 in snapshot below.
Email copies of the five files saved to c:\ to with a subject such as "Server reporting troubleshooting logs - {domainname}".

Updated on: 08/03/2023
Thank you!