How Admin can enable sending MFA code via email
How Admin can enable sending MFA code via email
TruGrid does not recommend ever turning off MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication). A username and password alone is not secure in today's world. However, TruGrid provides the option to turn off MFA if you choose to accept the risk. If you do decide to turn off MFA for a user, the "Remember Me" option will no longer show for the user, to save their password.
This feature allows users to be able to receive an MFA code through an email that is set by admin in Active Directory account properties
Note that users can also still self-reset their MFA.
How to enable this feature
*log in to Domain Controller as Administrator
*Go to user AD account properties, General tab
*Enter desired email where MFA code is supposed to be sent to and hit apply

User MFA Self-Reset
Forgot Password
Admin MFA Requirements
How Admins can Manage MFA
Updated on: 07/09/2023
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