How to use RemoteApp
TruGrid RemoteApp
TruGrid RemoteApp allows users to remotely run applications installed on Windows computers without revealing the full desktop. With RemoteApp, remote applications run on local devices as if they were installed locally. Applications built into Windows Servers and those in the ADD / REMOVE PROGRAM list can be made available via RemoteApp.
TruGrid RemoteApp is a streamlined process and does NOT require installation of Windows roles such as RD Connection Broker, RD Gateway, and RD Web Access.
Remote Desktop Session Host role and associated licensing may be required to support more than two concurrent users per server.
With TruGrid RemoteApp, TruGrid Sentry Service and the TruGrid Cloud replace RD roles.
Active Directory is required for TruGrid RemoteApp. TruGrid RemoteApp will not work on computers not joined to Active Directory
TruGrid RemoteApp has been successfully tested on Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022. On Windows Server 2008 R2, PowerShell 5.1 / .NET 4.52 is required
TruGrid RemoteApp is only supported on Windows Servers. They are not supported on Windows Workstations
Servers running TruGrid Sentry use PowerShell to enumerate RemoteApp from RDS Servers via WinRM. Make sure WinRM is allowed from Sentry and RDS Servers
How to enable TruGrid RemoteApp
TRUGRID ONBOARDING: Make sure that you have followed the proper TruGrid onboarding steps and have a functional TruGrid environment. TruGrid RemoteApp requires TruGrid Sentry version to v4.0 or later. Please upgrade your TruGrid Sentry software accordingly.
CREATE COMPUTER GROUP: Create a security group in AD. Add computers that will serve RemoteApp into the security group, even if just one Windows Server for now. For example, you might create a group called TruGrid-RemoteApp-Accounting and then add all Windows Servers (Windows Desktops are not currently supported for RemoteApp) to this group that will host applications for the Accounting Department. Applications are only reported from Windows servers added to security groups.
UPDATE TG-COMPUTERS GROUP: Add the security group created in above step (TruGrid-RemoteApp-Accounting for example) to the TG-COMPUTERS group.
UPDATE TG-USERS GROUP : If you would like to publish one or more applications to a group of users, you can use an existing AD security group that has all the users, or you can create a new security group and then add these users. For example, you might create a group called TruGrid-Accounting-Users and then add all users to this group that will use accounting apps via RemoteApp. Add your desired security group containing end users (TruGrid-Accounting-Users for example) to the TG-USERS group.
VERIFY THAT NETWORK DISCOVERY IS ENABLED: Ensure that Network Discovery is enabled for all Windows servers that will participate in RemoteApp. For example, all Windows servers added to the TruGrid-RemoteApp-Accounting security group should have Network Discovery enabled (see below).

ENABLE MULTI-SESSION: To concurrently run more than one RemoteApp on the same server per user, please create and edit a GPO and set the following policies to Disabled: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Connections -> Restrict Remote Desktop Services users to a single Remote Desktop (see image below)

Log in to the TruGrid portal using your TruGrid administrator credentials
Select COMPANY MANAGEMENT (or CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT if you are an Service Provider supporting a customer domain)
Select the RESOURCE ASSIGNMENT menu option
Select the APP ASSIGNMENT tab
Select checkbox to right of RemoteApp Status. This will enable RemoteApp and TruGrid Sentry will configure Windows servers in all security groups added to the TG-COMPUTERS group. Changes will be reversed when you uncheck this box.

APPLICATION ENUMERATION: TruGrid Sentry will scan for available applications on Windows servers added to the RemoteApp security groups and report them to the TruGrid dashboard. Depending on the number of computers to process, this can take 2 mins or longer. Please wait at least 2 minutes and then refresh the page.
ASSIGN APPS TO USERS: Click the APPLICATIONS dropdown to see all applications that are discovered from the RemoteApp computers. Select an application. In the USERS dropdown, select desired users and groups. Click the SAVE button to complete the assignment.
If an application is not listed, see this article to add custom applications.

TEST REMOTEAPP: Use an Active Directory login that has RemoteApp assigned. Login to the TruGrid Website. In WORKSPACE, click MY APPS, then launch any RemoteApp. The app should connect using Single SignOn without asking for addition credentials.

Create and adjust RemoteApp groups in AD before enabling RemoteApp on TruGrid website. See steps 2 and 3 above.
If you add a new computer to a RemoteApp computer security group, you must disable RemoteApp on TruGrid portal and then re-enable it in order for TruGrid Sentry to enumerate apps from the new computer. This step does not disable apps that you have assigned to users and groups
If you add a new application onto a RemoteApp computer, you must click the APP REFRESH button on TruGrid portal to rescan RemoteApp groups and populate the application list
Only Windows Server computers are currently supported for TruGrid RemoteApp
Removing a computer from a RemoteApp group will not automatically disable RemoteApp on it. Only disabling RemoteApp option will do that.
When opening a RemoteApp via Mac Web Connector, please close all currently opened RemoteApp before launching a new one; otherwise you might encounter an error.
A server must be in a Computer Group to have applications enumerated from it
Related Help Article Keywords: secure RemoteApp, remote application, virtual application, published apps, published applications, RemoteApp, RDP apps
Updated on: 24/02/2024
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