Manually Create TruGrid Sentry Service

Manually create TruGrid Sentry service if installation completes without creating the service

In very rare instances, a TruGrid Sentry installation might appear to succeed without actually creating the TruGrid Sentry service. This is usually due to an interference on the operating system. Common causes include aggressive AV / EDR software. The easiest way to get around this is to whitelist the TruGrid Sentry MSI installer. If that is not possible, below is a workaround on how to manually create the TruGrid Sentry service.

Perform standard TruGrid Sentry installation
Check if "C:\Program Files\TruGrid\Sentry" folder exists with "TruGrid Sentry.exe". If yes, proceed to next step
In AD, check if TG-COMPUTERS and TG-USERS groups were created in AD USERS container. If not, create them in the USERS container as DOMAIN LOCAL security groups. Populate these groups with users and computers
On the TruGrid Sentry server, check registry path for TruGrid at "HKLM\Software\TruGrid\Sentry". If this does not exist, manually create it. You can paste below into a NOTEPAD and save with .REG extension and import / merge the REG file. Please update the items in “< >” before or after the registry merge

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Please contact TruGrid Customer Care via LIVE CHAT on this page to request your unique “ApiKey”

If above registry already exists, please proceed and create the TruGrid Sentry service as follows:
Open elevated CMD
Run this command:
sc.exe create "TruGrid Sentry" binpath= "C:\Program Files\TruGrid\Sentry\TruGrid Sentry.exe" displayname= "TruGrid Sentry" type= share start= auto
Open services.msc and assign a preferred Service Account to the service. The account should have Domain Admin rights
Restart the TruGrid Sentry service and review details in "C:\Program Files\TruGrid\Sentry\AGENT.LOG" file

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Updated on: 31/08/2020

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